What is HIRT? We tell you about it

What is HIRT? We tell you about it and we tell you the benefits it will have on your body if you put this great training into practice.

What is HIRT? Apparently, it is the question that many are asking and although it is not a new workout, it has worked for celebrities such as Chris Hemsworth, who does it regularly.

Here are some definitions and tips that you can put into practice, whether in the gym or at home, It is so versatile that it will surprise you.


It is basically high-intensity resistance training, which although it is not new, many are rediscovering its benefits.

The fundamental principle of HIRT is to use short and intense periods of resistance training (performed with a lot of effort and concentration), adding sufficient recovery time between sessions.

hirt workout at home

In one session,  you will do a series of strength exercises without a break, followed by a short recovery between training blocks.

These are usually large circuits or ensembles but in a more structured style. Training raises your heart rate and maintains it for the short recovery time, leading to superior calorie burn, muscle stimulation, and fitness adaptations.


Here are some benefits that you can get out of HIRT and that will help you have a better physical and mental state.

  • It can be used for full-body workouts or to train for sections of the body.
  • You get a lot of volume in one session without extending your training time.
  • You get a cardiovascular benefit and muscle stimulation
  • Less recovery time ignites more calories burned for training time
  • It keeps you focused and engaged since you don’t have time to rest between workouts.
  • You can do HIRT using any type of resistance training kit available
  • If you love the intensity, not long workouts, you will love it
  • You don’t need a training partner or personal trainer, in fact, you can do it from home.

Here you can watch a 20-minute HIRT workout at Home

HIRT workout at Home

Benefits Of HIRT (High-Intensity Resistance Training)

  • It’s short: perfect if you don’t have long to spend on your weights workouts.
  • It can be used for full-body workouts or for upper, lower or Push, Pull, Legs.
  • You get a lot of volume into one session without extending the workout time.
  • If you love the intensity, not long workouts, you’ll love the focus of HIRT.
  • Don’t need a training partner or spotter, or even a trip to the gym.
  • You get a cardio benefit as well as muscle stimulation.
  • Less recovery time means more calories burned for the workout time.
  • It keeps you focused and engaged: you won’t have time to be bored.

HIRT Workout At Home For Beginners

Home Set 1:

  • 15 incline dumbbell presses
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 burpees
  • 12 bent over dumbbell rows (both arms at the same time)

Home Set 2:

  • 8-10 pull-ups
  • 12 Romanian deadlifts
  • 10 overhead presses
  • 20 lunges (total) – either 10 static lunges per leg or 20 walking lunges

Home Set 3:

  • 12+ close-grip pull-ups
  • 15 press-ups
  • 20 step-ups holding dumbbells (10 each leg)
  • 8+ hanging leg raises

6 Reasons to Add HIRT to Your Workout Routine

  1. It Offers Higher Resting Energy Expenditure.
  2. It Stimulates Muscle Growth and Endurance.
  3. Combines Cardio Training and Strength Training.
  4. High-Intensity Resistance Training Workouts Are Low-impact.
  5. Workouts Are Short and Effective
  6. It Can Be Great for Your Mental Health

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