Diet to Lose Weight in 15 Days

To lose weight in 15 days it is necessary to carry out a healthy and balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and whole foods rich in fiber, avoiding the consumption of industrialized foods, fried foods, frozen meals such as pizzas and lasagna, cold cuts, fast foods, among others.

In 15 days it is possible to lose between 1 Kg to 5 Kg, however, this weight loss will depend on the metabolism of the person, if the diet is properly carried out and if it is accompanied by physical activity. The type of physical activity that should be carried out mainly is aerobic, such as running, jogging, swimming or walking, for example, to help the body use more energy and burn accumulated fat.

See Is it good to run on an empty stomach or not?

lose weight in 15 days
lose weight in 15 days

What can you eat to lose weight in 15 days?

The foods allowed in this diet are fruits and vegetables in general, because they are rich in fibers, causing a feeling of satiety and improving intestinal transit.

 Foods such as oatmeal, quinoa, rice and whole wheat bread should also be included; eggs, beans, unsweetened granola, and sweet potato; seeds such as linseed, sunflower, chia, pumpkin and sesame; dried fruits such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashew and; milk and skimmed derivatives, in the case of cheeses they must be white.

A 2020 study confirmed that a very low carbohydrate diet was beneficial for losing weight in older populations (2).

Other foods that can accelerate metabolism and in turn promote weight loss are thermogenic foods, such as cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, coffee, green tea and apple cider vinegar, which can be included in the diet.

Foods to Avoid for losing 5 kg weight in 15 days
Foods to Avoid

The foods that should be avoided are those rich in salt, sugar, white wheat flour and fats, such as:

  • Sugar: sugar, sweets, desserts, cakes, chocolate, jaggery nutrition;
  • Salt: salt, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, meat and vegetable bouillon cubes, meat tenderizer, packet soups;
  • White wheat flour: pieces of bread, cakes, white béchamel sauces, breaded;
  • Fats: fried foods, red meats, bacon, sausage, salami, mortadella, ham, high-fat red meats, whole milk, and yellow cheeses such as cheddar;
  • Industrialized products: filled cookies, sweets or snacks, frozen ready meals, pizza, lasagna, pasteurized soft drinks and juices.

To substitute salt in the preparation of food, natural herbs and seasonings such as onion, garlic, rosemary, parsley, thyme, basil and oregano can be used, since they add more flavour to meals and do not cause fluid retention in the body.

Example menu to lose weight in 15 days

The table below shows an example menu of 3 days of the diet to lose weight 5 kg in 2 weeks. After these 3 days you will be able to make your own menu, always remembering the advice indicated above.

FoodsDay 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast1 glass of skim milk + 1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1 slice of white cheese + 1 slice of turkey breast1 low-fat yogurt + 1/4 cup oatmeal + 1 tablespoon chia seeds + 1/2 banana, chopped into piecesCoffee with unsweetened skim milk + 1 medium oatmeal pancake + 1 slice of white cheese
Morning Snack1 slice of papaya with 1 tablespoon of rolled oats1 glass of green detox juice1 slice of watermelon + 10 units of peanuts
Lunch dinner1 grilled fish wheel + 3 tablespoons of brown rice + 2 tablespoons of beans + Broccoli salad with carrot + 1 teaspoon of olive oil1 chicken fillet in natural tomato sauce + 3 tablespoons of whole wheat pasta + Raw salad with 1 tablespoon of corn + 1 teaspoon of olive oil1 turkey breast fillet + 4 tablespoons quinoa + 1 cup cooked vegetables + 1 teaspoon olive oil
Afternoon snack1 apple + 2 toasts with ricottaPapaya smoothie + 1 tablespoon flaxseed1 low-fat yogurt + 6 walnuts

The amounts included in the menu vary according to age, sex, physical activity and if you have an associated disease or not, so the ideal is to go to a nutritionist to carry out a complete evaluation and calculate the most appropriate nutritional plan according to your needs.

5 simple tricks to lose weight in just 15 days

1)    Drink Water  Start your day with lukewarm or lime water.

2)    Walk – Walk after every meal to keep your body away from accumulating fat.

3)    Eat small – Eat all the necessary nutrients, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins that your body needs.

4)    Cook yourself –  The more beautiful the presentation of food, the tastier it feels.

5)    Replace your unhealthy fats – Replace paneer to Tofu, sugar to honey and refined flour to whole-wheat flour.

Other tips to follow lose weight in 15 days

Some tips that should be taken into account when preparing the nutritional plan for the day are:

  • Make between 5 to 6 meals a day, 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks between meals, trying to consume food every 3 hours;
  • Consume between 3 to 4 fruits a day, preferring fruits with peel and bagasse;
  • Half of the plate should be occupied by vegetables, both at lunch and dinner, consuming at least 2 servings a day;
  • A single source of carbohydrates should be chosen from the meal, avoiding placing more than one on the plate;
  • Choose between beans, corn, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and lentils as a source of vegetable protein and place just 2 tablespoons on the plate;
  • Remove all fat from meats before consuming it, including the skin of fish, turkey and chicken, reducing the consumption of red meat to 2 times a week.

It is possible to include a detox juice in a snack, and it should preferably be prepared with vegetables since they are rich in fiber.


Can I lose 5 kgs in 15 days?

Yes It’s Possible, You just need to change your diet plan and eat time schedule.

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days

Drinking is good.
Morning and Night Rule.
Never skip breakfast.
Burn more calories than you consume.
Work out for at least 1 hour.
Cut down on your tea/coffee intake.
Sleep is important.